Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Couple of Cocktails for Summer

It's summer, and we must drink tequila. Here are a few ways to do it that taste great and will refresh you while sitting by the pool. Please, serve some food with these cocktails - I don't want to be responsible for your guests passing out before dinner.

True Margarita

2 parts premium tequila, such as Porfidio or Patron Silver
1 part Cointreau
1 part freshly squeezed lime juice

Shake ingredients over ice, pour into salt-rimmed margarita glasses. Notice the lack of sweet and sour or Margarita mix. The recipe above is the true margarita, not one of those college bar concoctions that makes you gag with all of its sweetness. Be careful, these are dangerous.

Tequila Gimlet (Desert Mojo)
2 shots Sauza Blanco Tequila
juice of 1 and 1/2 limes
1 tsp superfine sugar

Shake ingredients over ice, pour into a lowball glass filled with ice. Again, be warned - only a few of these and you'll be on your back.

If you are a purist, and I know some of you are, these two options may seems like a waste of good tequila. In that case, just shake your tequila wildly over ice and then shake your head wildly as you down your shot. At least people won't think you actually like straight tequila.

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